Our mobile compressors rely on an integrated compressor control for straightforward and intuitive operation. The control is integrated as standard. On stationary units, the B-CONTROL controls and monitors all of the functions of your BAUER compressor unit.
All information about the normal operating states of the unit is available to view on an informative and user-friendly display. In the event of deviations from normal conditions, the B-CONTROL will shut down the compressor automatically and indicate the source of the fault on the display.
The enhanced version of the B-CONTROL MICRO is the B-CONTROL II, which features additional and user-friendly supplementary functions.
Fully automatic operation is made possible by an automatic condensate drain, which is controlled electronically. The condensate produced can be collected in a condensate tank for disposal in an environmentally-friendly way.
The B-APP offers an array of features including product-specific news, videosand various calculation tools related to compressed air. In addition, the B-APP supports remote control and monitoring of BAUER Compressors via the new BAUER control unit, B-CONTROL MICRO.
The B-CONTROL MICRO is a modern, easy-to-use compressor control with colour display for the intelligent control and reliable monitoring of all basic functions. Interaction between user and control is user-friendly and logical. The information on the colour display can be read off in plain text. Various languages are available for selection.
The BAUER B-CONTROL II is the advanced version of the basic compressor control B-CONTROL MICRO. The 5.7″ colour display touch screen with 10 keys displays the final pressure, oil pressure, the temperature of the last stage and the ambient temperature, among other values. Maintenance intervals are also displayed by the control.
External displays
The new external display from BAUER KOMPRESSOREN offers an appealing and practicable solution for remote operation of the compressor.. This is because very often the compressor unit is physically separate due to the installation conditions, and frequently far away from the filling devices in a different area.
Automatic condensate drain
The automatic condensate drain extends the service life of filters as well as saving operators significant time and effort. The technical principle: Condensate (an emulsion of air moisture, lubricant and dirt particles in the ambient air) is produced during the process of compression.